27 Saturday

“The Minister” Book Launch

Sat, May 27, 2023 (8:00 am - 2:00 pm)
Hotel Prince De Galles Douala


“The Minister” Book Launch


If God sweeps the church from the altar, then investing in personal development as a minister is great wisdom. Improving yourself as a minister is indirectly improving everyone you lead and the quality of your ministry. Personal development is the greatest investment upon the earth.

*** This book is a personal development tool for all ministers of the gospel. ***

“The Minister” is written to emphasize personal development for God’s Ministers. As a genuinely called minister to the work of the ministry, this book will significantly help you in your making process. It is highly recommended for all young ministers in particular. It is also instrumental for older ministers who feel worn-out. The content of this book will help in sharpening you for effectiveness. The goal is that together we’ll pursue and achieve true divine excellence as we carry out the work of the ministry entrusted to our care by the Lord Jesus Christ.

In this Volume (Volume 1), you’ll learn about …

~ The Minister and the Call
~ The Minister and Character
~ The Minister and Accountability
~ The Minister and Focus
~ The Minister and the Gospel.

It is a treasure for ministry worth having. Available in English and French.

Official Launching:

Saturday May 27, @10 AM. Hotel Prince De Galles, Akwa-Douala.

Pre-order now and benefit from a 25% OFF (7,500F CFA instead of 10,000 FCFA).

See details in the picture attached or call or WhatsApp +237 654 512 218 for more information.

See you at the launch event!

~ Daniel Nyah
Pastor | Teacher | Author


Event Calendar

Saturday, May 27, 2023

8:00 am - 2:00 pm  

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